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- Index
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- Practice Areas
- Domestic Violence
- FAQ's: Domestic Violence
- How is Domestic Violence Defined in Florida Law?
- If We Were Both Fighting, Why Was I the One Arrested for Domestic Violence?
- What is Domestic Violence Witness Tampering?
- What Happens During a First Appearance in a Florida Domestic Violence Case?
- Will I Get to Bond Out After a Florida Domestic Violence Arrest?
- Should I Fight Back Against a Domestic Violence Restraining Order?
- What Are the Best Defenses in Florida Domestic Violence Cases?
- What If I’ve Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence in Florida?
- What Do Prosecutors Have to Prove in a Florida Stalking / Domestic Violence Case?
- Do I Need to Hire an Attorney in a Domestic Violence Case or Can I Get By Representing Myself?
- What if an Accuser in a Florida Domestic Violence Case Doesn’t Cooperate With Prosecutors?
- Can Juveniles Be Arrested for Domestic Violence in Florida?
- Arrested for Florida Domestic Violence? Avoid These Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Case.
- How Serious Are the Penalties for Florida Domestic Violence Convictions?
- Will Having Prior Domestic Violence Convictions Impact My Current Case?
- Are Diversion Programs a Good Deal for Florida Domestic Violence Defendants?
- I Violated a Florida Domestic Violence Injunction. Now What?
- Will I Lose Custody of My Kids for a Florida Domestic Violence Charge or Conviction?
- What Happens When a Child Is Present During a Florida Domestic Violence Arrest?
- How Does a Florida Domestic Violence Arrest Impact My Pending Divorce?
- How Can I Protect My Career If I’m Arrested or Convicted of Florida Domestic Violence?
- I Have a Florida Domestic Violence Restraining Order Against Me, But My Spouse Wants to Make Up. What Can We Do?
- What Immigration Consequences Does a Florida Domestic Violence Conviction Have?
- Is Spanking a Child Considered Domestic Violence in Florida?
- What is Domestic Violence?
- Penalties for Domestic Violence
- Defenses for Domestic Violence
- Batterers’ Intervention
- Domestic Battery by Strangulation
- Domestic Violence and Divorce / Child Custody
- Domestic Violence Convictions / Firearm Rights
- Orders of Protection
- False Imprisonment / Kidnapping
- Ineligibility for Sealing / Expunction
- Domestic Violence Assault
- Domestic Violence Aggravated Assault
- Domestic Violence Battery
- Domestic Violence Aggravated Battery
- Domestic Violence Felony Battery
- Domestic Violence Stalking
- Domestic Violence Aggravated Stalking
- Domestic Violence Interfering With 911 Call
- Sealing / Removal of Civil Restraining Orders
- Violating a Florida Restraining Order
- FAQ's: Domestic Violence
- Drug Crimes
- Forfeiture and Government Seizures
- Gun & Weapons Defense
- Carrying a Concealed Weapon
- Discharge of a Firearm in Public
- Improper Exhibition of a Firearm or Weapon
- Shooting Into an Occupied Dwelling
- Stand Your Ground
- Felon in Possession of a Firearm
- Gun Possession at Miami International Airport – Criminal Charges
- Gun Possession at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport – Criminal Charges
- Gun Possession at Palm Beach International Airport – Criminal Charges
- F.S. 790.06 - Carrying a Firearm in Restricted Places
- F.S. 790.06(12)(a)(12) – Gun Possession at a Bar, Brewery or Nightclub in Fort Lauderdale
- F.S. 790.06(12)(a)(9) – Carrying a Firearm at a School
- F.S. 790.151 – Using a Gun Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
- F.S.790.15 – Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm
- F.S. 790.23 – Convicted Felon in Possession of a Firearm
- F.S. 790.233 – Gun Possession After Restraining Order
- F.S. 784.05(3) - Leaving a Loaded Gun Within Easy Access of a Minor
- F.S. 790.07 & F.S. 775.087 – Florida Firearm Enhancements
- Juvenile Crimes
- Juvenile Alcohol Crimes
- Juvenile Assault and Battery
- Juvenile Aggravated Assault and Aggravated Battery
- Juvenile Burglary
- Juvenile Disorderly Conduct
- Juvenile Misdemeanor Obstruction of Justice / Resisting Arrest
- Juvenile Misdemeanor Violations of Drug Laws
- Juvenile Petit Theft
- Juvenile Possession of a Controlled Substance
- Juvenile Trespassing
- Juvenile Vandalism
- Minors in Possession of Alcohol
- Miscellaneous Crimes
- Accessory After the Fact
- Attempt to Commit a Crime
- Contributing to the Delinquency of a Child
- Criminal Conspiracy
- False Report to a Police Officer
- Perjury
- Search and Seizure
- Solicitation / Commission of a Felony for Hire
- Arthur Hearing / Bond Hearing
- Expunging Or Sealing a Criminal Record
- Misuse of 911
- Restraining Orders
- Sex Crimes
- Theft Crimes
- Traffic Violations
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Motor Vehicle Offenses
- Commercial Drivers Defense
- Defense in Bicycle Accidents and Pedestrian Accidents
- Driving With a Suspended License
- Driving Without Car Insurance
- Failure to Obey a Police Officer
- Fleeing and Eluding
- Operating Without a License
- Racing on Highways
- Reckless Operation
- Red Light Cameras
- Red Light Violations
- School Zone Violations
- Speeding
- Texting and Driving
- Use of a Vehicle Without Authority
- Vehicular Homicide
- Traffic Ticket Crimes
- Move Over Violation
- Failure to Yield
- Improper Lane Change
- Careless Driving
- Open Container
- Violent Crimes
- Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer FAQ
- Do I Really Need to Hire a Florida Defense Lawyer?
- How Much Does a Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost?
- Should I Speak to the Police?
- Do I Need a Defense Lawyer for a Florida Traffic Ticket?
- What is Reasonable Suspicion in a Florida Criminal Case?
- What is Probable Cause in a Florida Criminal Case?
- What's the Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor in Florida?
- Do I Have to Allow Police to Search My Car or House?
- Should I Tell My Florida Defense Attorney If I'm Guilty?
- Can Police Stop and Search Me on the Street for No Reason?
- What is Protected in Attorney-Client Privilege in Florida Criminal Cases?
- What Should I Do If There's a Warrant Out for My Arrest in Florida?
- How Does Posting Bail Work in Florida?
- Should I Be Concerned About Bail Algorithms in Broward County?
- What Are Aggravated Factors and Mitigating Circumstances in Florida Criminal Cases?
- I'm Innocent. Do I Still Need a Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyer?
- I'm Guilty. Do I Still Need a Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyer?
- Hiring a Private Florida Defense Attorney vs. Using an Appointed Public Defender
- How Much Does a Fort Lauderdale Defense Attorney Cost?
- Is Every Defendant Entitled to a Free, Appointed Defense Lawyer in Florida?
- Do Under-18 Juveniles Need a Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyer?
- What Happens if I’m Arrested in Florida, But Live Out-of-State?
- Am I a “First Time Offender” in Florida if I Have a Criminal Record in Another State?
- I’m a College Student. How Will a Florida Arrest Impact My Education?
- I’m in the Military. How Will a Florida Arrest Impact My Position?
- I Have a Professional License. How Will a Florida Arrest Impact My Career?
- I’m a Co-Parent. How Will a Florida Arrest Impact My Child Custody Case?
- I’m an Immigrant. How Will a Florida Arrest Impact My Residency Status?
- My Child Has Been Arrested in South Florida. What Should I Do?
- Can Social Media Be Used Against Me in Court?
- Can I Talk to My Friends and Family About My Florida Criminal Case?
- The Victim in my Florida Criminal Case Wants to Drop the Charges. Am I in the Clear?
- Can I Be Convicted in Florida Even if I Didn’t Know I Was Committing a Crime?
- Probation Related Issues
- White Collar Crimes
- Florida Criminal Statutes
- F.S. 784.049 - Sexual Cyberharassment in Florida
- F.S. 784.048 - Cyberstalking in Florida
- F.S. 1006.147 - Cyberbullying in Florida
- F.S. 847.0141 - Sexting in Florida
- F.S. 847.011 - Dissemination of Obscene Materials
- F.S. 847.0135 - Computer Pornography
- F.S. 847.012, F.S. 847.013, F.S. 847.0133 - Protecting Minors From Harmful or Obscene Materials
- F.S. 847.0137, F.S. 847.0138 – Transmission of Porn or Other Materials Harmful to Minors
- F.S. 316.193 - DUI, Driving Under the Influence
- F.S. 322.2616 - Underage DUI, License Suspension
- F.S. 322.2615 - DUI License Suspension
- F.S. 316.1936 - Open Container Alcohol in Vehicle
- F.S. 327.35 - Boating Under the Influence
- F.S. 790.06(12)(a)(14) - Gun Possession at FLL Airport Fort Lauderdale
- F.S. 782.071, F.S. 316.193(3)(c)(3), F.S. 316.027 – Florida Fatal Crash Criminal Charges
- F.S. 856.011, F.S. 856.015, F.S. 562.11, F.S. 562.111 – Drunkenness, House Parties and Alcohol-Related Offenses
- F.S. 893.13, F.S. 893.135, F.S. 893.147, F.S. 777.04 – Florida Drug Crimes
- F.S. 784.011, F.S. 784.021 – Florida Assault Offenses
- F.S. 784.03, F.S. 784.031, F.S. 784.041, F.S. 784.045 – Florida Battery Offenses
- F.S. 784.07, F.S. 784.08, F.S. 784.045(2)(b) – Assault/Battery Against Protected Classes of Adults
- F.S. 784.047 – Violation of Protective Orders in Fort Lauderdale
- F.S. 784.05 – Culpable Negligence Offenses
- F.S. 825.102, F.S. 825.103 – Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Against Elderly and Disabled Adults
- F.S. 827.03 – Child Abuse & Neglect
- F.S. 812.014 – Theft
- F.S. 812.0145 – Theft From Persons 65 or Older
- F.S. 812.019 – Dealing in Stolen Property
- F.S. 812.0195 – Dealing in Stolen Property By Use of the Internet
- F.S. 817.60 – Theft, Obtaining Credit Card Through Fraudulent Means
- F.S. 812.13, F.S. 812.131, F.S. 812.133, F.S. 812.135 – Florida Robbery Offenses
- F.S. 801.02, F.S. 810.06, F.S. 843.22 – Florida Burglary Offenses
- F.S. 810.08, F.S. 810.09, F.S. 810.095, F.S. 810.098, F.S. 810.0975 – Trespassing Offenses
- F.S. 843.01, F.S. 843.02, F.S. 843.08, F.S. 843.23 – Florida Obstruction Offenses
- F.S. 806.13 – Florida Criminal Mischief Offenses
- F.S. 823.01 - Florida Nuisance Offenses
- F.S. 870.01, F.S. 871.01, F.S. 871.015, F.S. 810.15 – Unlawful Protests
- F.S. 796.07, F.S. 796.04, F.S. 796.05, F.S. 787.06 – Florida Prostitution Offenses
- F.S. 800.03 – Indecent Exposure in Florida
- F.S. 794.011, F.S. 794.05, F.S. 800.101, F.S. 825.1025 – Florida Sex Crimes
- FWC Violations
- Domestic Violence
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